LazLo's Dream Machines by Tracey Cramer-Kelly

This book is adorable.

It's a series of short stories about a bunch of guys who work at LazLo's Dream Machines, a motorcycle repair shop.  Each story is about a different one of the guys and their romance.  The guys are rough-and-tumble, some have "a past".  There is some mild violence (somebody gets punched) and a discussion of prior sexual abuse. (CW)

The heat level is pretty low, although there's a discussion in one of the stories about the main characters witnesses some risque behavior.

My only complaint? I felt like the stories were too short.  Each of these stories could have been a full book.  I wanted to hear more from them.  As soon as I really felt like I knew them, how they tick, and started to care about this couple, the story was over and we were on to the next couple.

Because of some of the relatable past issues and mild violence, this is Cat Only Snuggles When it Wants.


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